Apache Tapestry教程

Apache Tapestry Tutorial

Apache Tapestry is an open source, component based web framework written in Java. Tapestry was developed by “Howard Lewis Ship” and later open sourced and included into the Apache Foundation. It became a top-level Apache Project in 2006. Tapestry can work under any application server and easily integrate with all back ends like Spring, Hibernate, etc. This tutorial will explore the Architecture, Setup, Quick Start Guide, Tapestry Components and finally walk through with Simple Applications.


这是一个针对Java程序员和其他渴望通过Tapestry在Java Web Framework中开创事业的人的教程。本教程将使您对创建Tapestry Web应用程序有足够的了解。


在进行本教程之前,您需要具备核心Java的良好知识,特别是对于注释,Web应用程序的基本了解,基本客户端编程(HTML,CSS和JavaScript)以及Eclipse IDE的基本工作知识。