<div style="padding:20px;"> <h2>圆角提醒框</h2> <div data-alert="" class="alert-box"> Default Alert box </div> <div data-alert="" class="alert-box radius"> Default Alert box with a radius. </div> <div data-alert="" class="alert-box secondary radius"> Secondy Alert box with a radius. </div> <div data-alert="" class="alert-box success radius"> <strong>Success!</strong> Alert box with a radius. </div> <div data-alert="" class="alert-box info round"> <strong>Info!</strong> Alert box that is rounded. </div> <div data-alert="" class="alert-box warning round"> <strong>Warning!</strong> Alert box that is rounded. </div> <div data-alert="" class="alert-box alert round"> <strong>Alert!</strong> Alert box that is rounded. </div> </div>