菜鸟教程 trycss3_mediaquery 在线代码实例

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                <h1>The Pulpit Rock</h1>
        <div class="gridbox gridmenu">
            <div class="menuitem">The Drive</div>
            <div class="menuitem">The Walk</div>
            <div class="menuitem">The Return</div>
            <div class="menuitem">The End</div>
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<h1>The Walk</h1>
<p>The walk to the Pulpit Rock will take you approximately two hours, give or take an hour depending on the weather conditions and your physical shape.</p>
<img src="/upload2pulpitrock.jpg" alt="Pulpit rock" width="" height="">

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<p>The Pulpit Rock is a part of a mountain that looks like a pulpit.</p>
<p>The Pulpit Rock is in Norway</p>
<p>The walk is free!</p>
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<p>This web page is a part of a demonstration of fluid web design made by www.W3Cschool.com. Resize the browser window to see the content response to the resizing.</p>